How does a church become affiliated with the WIBFC?

Churches become affiliated with the WIBFC through attendance, involvement and participation at the annually held conference and by providing support. No official membership application currently exists.

Do churches lose their independence or autonomy being a part of WIBFC?

Churches remain independent and autonomous. The WIBFC does not exert any rights or control over the affairs of the local churches. WIFBC may provide counsel at the request of a local church, but never intervenes with the congregation’s approval.

How does being a part of the WIBFC benefit a congregation?

Churches benefit from being a part of the WIBFC through the vibrant fellowship that takes place at the annual conference, prayerful support of churches of like faith and financial assistance when a need arises. The fellowship endeavours to provide a network of churches that continue to encourage each other in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Is the WIBFC interdenominational?

The WIBFC is Baptist by conviction and affiliation. However, churches of like faith are affiliated with the WIBFC and may not have Baptist as part of their name.

Does the WIBFC emphasize and support missions?

The WIBFC believes strongly in worldwide evangelization and seeks to strengthen and implement various mechanisms to see and facilitate our churches engaged in this effort.

Is a particular version of the bible preferred by the WIBFC?

The preferred version promoted by the WIBFC is the King James Version.

How does the WIBFC generate financial support?

The WIBFC is supported financially through the voluntary donations and offerings of the churches and memberships that make up the fellowship. There is no mandatory membership fee. Churches are encouraged to adopt the WIBFC as a regular part of their church’s mission’s family. This helps the WIBFC to be able to respond to needs as they arise.