Hillview Baptist Church

Duane Madden is currently 44 years old. After graduating from Glenmuir High School, he worked for four years as an Accountant in the Ministry of Local Government & Works. During that time, he acquired a certificate from the University of the West Indies in Counseling. Then the Lord called him to Bible College and he enrolled at Fairview Baptist Bible College in 1998 where he graduated with a Diploma in Pastoral Studies in 2001. In 2002 an opportunity opened up for him to become the Administrator of Fairview Baptist Bible College where he served in that capacity until April 2008. In January 2008 Duane answered the call to ministry and was appointed the pastor of Hillview Baptist Church, which is his current position. Duane also currently teaches at the Fairview Bible College. He has done further studies with Cedarville University in the United States from 2004-2008. In 2018, Duane acquired his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Ministry at Piedmont International University (Online).

The year was 1962, and Mr. Roland Smith a Canadian missionary had a dream. He had a dream
that one day he would plant a church somewhere in the Montego Bay area. This dream grew into a burden that burned his chest. He discussed the burden with Mr. Raphael Moxam, a police officer who lived in the Albion area.
One day Mr. Moxam was passing the Albion All Age School and he heard the children using swear words that made him see colours. He said to his wife, “This place really needs a Sunday School,” and without hesitation he consulted the then Principal, Mr. David Samuels about the use of the school for church services. The permission was granted and in 1963, on first Sunday in April, the dream became a reality.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith, with the help of Mr. & Mrs. Moxam worked ceaselessly to keep this work going. They went into the highways, byways and gathered people of all ages and the attendance grew. When the Smiths went on furlong, the work was carried on by Rev. and Mrs. McKillop. The people were faithful and God honored their faith.
The Reality Grew Bigger
Soon, the school room could no longer accommodate these faithful people, so the next step was to seek for land to build a sanctuary. In 1963, a three quarter acre lot was purchased and a few years later the building was started.
And Every Man Became An Artisan
The church people joined hands with the skilled labourers and toiled by day and by night. The building went up quickly and soon we had a new building which we now call the Roland Smith Educational Centre.
On March 30th, 1969, the dedication service was held. There was a jubilant yet subdued atmosphere, as the congregation allowed the faithfulness of their God to sink in.

The church continued under missionary leadership with Rev. Roland Smith at the helm and Mr. Eral Lewis as his assistant. Soon Rev. Smith had to leave and after a few years of missionaries filling the gap, then Rev. Eral Lewis answered the call to become the first national Pastor.
Growth and Development
Reverend Lewis served faithfully for twenty eight years and at his departure, Rev. James Richards took over. After twelve years, God called him to serve in the United States and Reverend Duane Madden the current leader of the flock is sound, energetic and dynamic as his predecessors were.
Hillview has always supported Missions. Its first missionary, George Beckford was sent to Bolivia. He died on the mission field but his wife Fidelia Beckford is there continuing the work.
It is interesting to note that three ministers have been ordained from the membership over the years and the church has actually nurtured three mission works, namely Faith, Harbour, Dumfries Baptist and lately Baylife Baptist. Hillview’s growth was phenomenal. It soon became obvious that we had outgrown our original building so it was back to work site. In 1984, we land cornerstone for the top floor which is now the main sanctuary.
In 1991, an area that was once bare and lonely, now stands a beautiful edifice set upon the hill, set to be a light. Our building journey was complete. Today, this church on the hill boasts a membership of approximately three hundred people. God continues to be faithful and the congregants try to grow in grace.